SPERM/ SEMEN LOVE SPELL TO BIND YOUR LOVE. Having a loving and committed relationship with someone is one of the most cherished things in life. Sometimes, though, things can get a little complicated. Maybe you and your man have been through a lot together, but maybe you also feel like there’s something else out there. You fear that he might cheat on you, or maybe you just know that the two of you aren’t meant to be together forever. If you want something stronger than “just being friends” with this man of yours, there’s something you can do about it! It’s called a love binding spell.
The spell “Binds” a couple together through love, or “Binds” a man only to one woman at a time. This is a special type of spell that has long been used to bind couples together in love through the ancient art of Witchcraft. The process of casting this spell is quite simple – all you really need to do is collect his semen in a container, and then recite a specific incantation when you mix the semen with other ingredients to create the love binding spell.
The binding love spell is permanent, which means that once cast, your man will be bound to you and only you for the rest of his life. However, some spells may have to be repeated periodically to ensure that they remain effective over time. I would recommend getting the spell performed by a certified professional spell caster like Chief Alexander to ensure that it is done properly and to help ensure that it is effective as well.
SPERM/ SEMEN LOVE SPELL TO BIND YOUR LOVE. How to bind your man to you using his sperm
SPERM/ SEMEN LOVE SPELL TO BIND YOUR LOVE. The first step is to collect the man’s semen in a container. You could recover it from a condom or from your orifices (vagina or penis), whichever works best for you. Once you have obtained the semen, you can mix it with other ingredients in order to create your own love binding spell. There are specific ingredients that can be used in your spell, and these include charcoal powder, butter, lavender oil, rose petals, and vanilla essence. Once you have obtained your ingredients, you should.
